P-05-1099 Don't shut the Hospitality Sector (Pubs, Restaurants, Cafes) without providing scientific evidence, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 03.01.21


Thank you for the opportunity to reply.


I note the response from Lord Elis-Thomas.


I note that UKHospitality, the trade body, released a survey on the 26th October, in which it revealed (Click on link for information): 


Out of 250 million customer visits, the infection rate was 0.0003% of all customer visits.




UKHospitality also published:




I note that Brains chief executive, Alistair Darby, stated to Wales Online:  "Only six incidences of track and trace contacts for possible Covid-19 cases have been recorded in Brains pubs despite more than 600,000 visits by customers since re-opening in August"




Since that statement, Brains put itself up for sale.


I note that Brains has now been forced to hand over its pub chain in Wales, to Wolverhampton based Marston's in an effort to stay viable.




I also note that the East London Pub Company has had a similar experience, serving 450,000 customers and being unaware of any Covid cases.




ITV reported that you are more likely to contract Covid-19 in hospital than in a pub:




Proportion of all common locations reported in PHE (Public Health England) data:

And the First Minister himself said "match the actions we take to the source of the problem".  "The numbers that are rising are not being caused in hospitality businesses". This was during his press conference on the 9th October 2020.


https://youtu.be/VP9yy4dLLPg.  Go to 20 Min 29 Sec for his reply regarding shutting down the hospitality sector


Once again, I ask the Welsh Government to publish where the scientific advice came from and on what data it was based, for closing down one of our biggest sectors in Wales, and throwing Brains (and many others) under a bus.  On the 9th October he said the evidence did not show a rise in Covid due to the hospitality sector.  The least he can do is show why this changed, where the figures came from and what scientific proof he had for making this decision.


I note from Lord Elis-Thomas' letter that money has been made available.  How does that trickle down to the operator or each and every business effected?  After they have invested so much in their businesses to operate under the guidelines, and with data showing they are not responsible for any growth in infection figures, the question that needs answering, is what was the scientific advice that has led to the closing down of an entire industry with all of the negative repercussions associated with this move.  Was the First Minister just copying other Nations?

